Monday, June 18, 2007

Obligatory mission statement disguised as first post...

While I completely recognize the value of a blog (power to the people and all that), I am not a devotee. Sure, I have several bookmarked. Guy Kawasaki's energetic take on the business world, John August's carefully constructed thoughts on the world of screenwriting, and, while I don't know that I would consider it a blog in the truest sense, who doesn't bookmark Bill Simmons as The Sports Guy? But I'm not addicted. That is, they're not part of my day-to-day. And if you subtract those few outstanding blogs from the blogosphere, I am blinded by the sea of mastubratory musings that hopefully provide some sort of catharsis to the blog-er, yet are rarely of value to the blog-ee (at least as decided by me)...

I am not looking to form a community, appear in a New York Times blurb or parlay my food-lifestyle blog into a lucrative career as a food critic (offers on the aforementioned encouraged). This blog is meant to be but one fabric in the wonderful world wide web. It struck me, when researching restaurants for an upcoming trip to Amsterdam, that I needed help. Some sort of resource (or collection of resources) to help me avoid a night spent with my wife in a restaurant overlooking an outdoor brothel (we're saving that for the last night. joke)...

What I'll capture is straightforward... My thoughts on dining out, cooking in, food, wine and drink. I have no formal training, no time to do this, but it's too late. I'm in...


Noah said...

You forgot to mention that you are allergic to your own sweat. And soy.. Did you mention soy?

I'm excited to read your food musings.

naomi said...

Let me suggest a great read. It is "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle," by Barbara Kingsolver. You will only want to eat what is grown locally and what is in season.
Some interesting recipes as well